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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  April 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>>tensions growing by the day. at colleges. across the country >current operations are pretty work crimes of genocide. >reporter>palestinian protesters turning campuses into campgrounds demanding an end to the bloodshed in gaza, >realizing that this is a time for using institutional power to help those who can't you want a ceasefire? the hostages need to be released and they need to be at the fore. of this discussion >reporter>today. we dive into the demands. the history and impact of protests. movements like this and what it's going to take to stop >them with history is any indication protests against war and conflicts they will continue to grow as long as the war goes on. yeah. people.
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>liz>thank you so much for joining us today. the protests are expanding across the country and right here in the bay area, including sf state and sonoma state over the next half hour. we'll take a look at the demonstrators demands movements like these have been successful in the past, but 1st, let's take a look at today's news headlines. san francisco police say they recovered loaded firearms drugs and cash as they continue to crack down on street crimes in the tenderloin. police say they seized more than 250 g of narcotics and made 60 arrests and just the last just last week over 1 day, san francisco police also released new photos from the scene of a deadly hit and run and happened at allegheny and russo in the ingleside district. february 25th. police say a pedestrian was also killed. they're looking for the driver and a dark colored toyota camry with front end damage. a fire gutted
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or fremont storage facility today. this is at extra space storage on fremont boulevard. you can see those storage units looking like black holes right now, the fire department says no 1 was hurt, but they don't know what started the fire of this morning in all 53 storage units were destroyed the salvation army is providing housing in san jose new temporary shelters are coming to the campus on fourth street, a total of 74 units will be available to residents of the emanuel house. city officials say they will remain open for at least the next decade. and downtown. oakland is kicking off small business week. it comes as many business owners and entrepreneurs are working to stay open while dealing with crime concerns and the lingering effects of the pandemic. oakland will hold free in person and virtual panels, workshops and resource fairs. all right, let's go to 1st alert weather now it was absolutely gorgeous outside and we're in for a warm up as we
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wind down the month of april. i hope you got outside. it's stunning chief meteorologist paul hagen is in our virtual view studio live in person with our conditions. and the next chance of rain. hey, paul. >paul>hey, liz. yeah, it's right around the corner that next chance of rain, believe it or not, but 1st we get to enjoy a warm up as we finished april tomorrow and head into the 1st few days of may, especially today, the breeze has been noticeable at times, but the windiest day this week is likely going to be on wednesday. there's even a wind advisory in effect for solano county. don't think it's going to be too much of a factor, but it is going to be something that will continue to monitor over the next couple of days. let's take a look at what things look like outside. right now. this is the view down towards the santa clara valley. temperatures are pleasant anywhere from 60 degrees in san francisco to 67 in oakland, 74 right now in concord and in santa rosa. all of these numbers very close to what's normal for this time of year, and that's right about where we're going to be tomorrow as well as you're heading out to the a's game as they are back home and taking on the pittsburgh pirates, pirates only had across the bridge for their next road series, going from sf to oakland deputy game
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time we're going to be in the lower half of the 60s, dipping down into the 50s throughout the course of the game. looks like nice weather out there this evening and any breeze stirring around at the moment should be relaxing. as the sun goes down temperatures tonight, dropping down to the 40s across most of the bay area, just the very warmest spots. it's hovering right around 50 degrees to begin the day tomorrow, then we're going to warm up to almost exactly normal high temperatures should see 60s around the bay 70s for high temperatures farther inland, but the real warming trend is going to kick in by wednesday, thursday and friday. you'll see that in the 7 day forecast momentarily you also see in the 7 day forecast our next chance of rain. it's far from etched in stone. and at this we're talking about being several days down the line. we look at our long range forecast model side by side to see where they agree with each other and where they have some significant. differences and really, at this it's the differences that are the primary feature because as we wind the clock forward to saturday, the american forecast model shows a good chance of rain. widespread rain across the bay area, european forecast, model says we're going to be mostly dry, maybe a
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chance for a couple of passing sprinkles and those differences continue as we head into the saturday night timeframe with maybe a shower or 2 on the european forecast model, but continuation of that light to moderate rain on the american model, and that also shows a continuation of showers into the 2nd half of the weekend, with snow flying in the sierra now when they're this different we really rely on what's called ensemble model data, which is where you take these individual forecast models and dozens of times with slightly separate conditions. but even those are saying there's a 5050 chance of rain as we head into the weekend eventually, as we have a little bit closer to the weekend, those differences will resolve themselves, but i wouldn't cancel anything at this just yet. may rain chances tend to be a lot of promise and very little delivery. we'll keep you updated as weekend gets closer, be flexible with any outdoor plans, but again, i wouldn't cancel anything at this. if we do get some rain amounts would vary from less than 1/10 of an inch in some of those rain shadowed spots, maybe around a half an inch of rain farther north in the north bay and also around ben lomond in the santa cruz mountains. if we do get some rain, hopefully wash that pollen out of the atmosphere because we're going to be in the medium high category wednesday, thursday
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and friday, which happened to be the warmest days in the 7 day forecast. let's take a look at that 7 day outlook and we have temperatures are going to reach up to around 80 degrees inland, beginning on wednesday and then continuing thursday and friday. a sharp drop in temperatures. the company company that next rain chance that is going to happen either way, even if we don't get the rain temperatures are definitely going to be cooler as we head into the weekend, so 7 day forecast for the bayside locations also includes a good chance of rain temperatures warming up nicely into the middle portion of the 70s, wednesday and thursday and then just a little bit of a cool down friday before the rain chances arrived at a similar trend along the coast, but maybe not quite as much of a warmup, in fact, definitely not quite as much of a warmup. your temperatures should reach up into the low 60s for a couple of days, and then you drop into the mid to upper 50s through that unsettled weekend again. it's a long way down the line, but may rain chances tend to be few and far between, so we'll keep our eyes on this 1 as we head through the week. >liz>alright, paul, thanks so much. tents have popped up on college campuses across the us and students are demanding an end to the war in gaza, and
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mackovic has been following the protests here in the bay area for us, and >anne>they are still going on. students say they plan to stay. state and some of these camps until their demands are met. and for some that means even into the summer in san francisco, the tent started going up just after noon. at sfo state started with a rally today at the plaza in front of the student center and a group calling themselves faculty for justice in palestine, says many teachers are participating today as well. protesters we spoke with say they want their school to end any financial investments in any company that has a part in manufacturing weapons and any program that benefits israel. they're calling on the university to support their demonstration and avoid getting law enforcement involved. >yeah. we're seeing. thousands of innocent people being slaughtered at the hands of you know, really us our government. the things that we are on consensually paying for and we don't want that. we don't like that. >anne>the state tense went up
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this weekend on the person long the students want the university to create an official curriculum on palestinian history. in addition to full disclosure of all of some investments, the school sent out a statement saying that the safety of students, staff and visitors is their greatest priority and this encampment at stanford university has been up since thursday. this is in white plaza stanford sent out mass email to its student body informing them that the actions are in violation of university policy, which could lead to suspension or expulsion and the 1st bay area encampment went up at uc berkeley last week. they are still out in front of sproul hall. cal releasing a statement saying that they are not planning to involve law enforcement unless it is absolutely necessary because of the university's past experience with nonviolent political protest. governor newsom says he is monitoring all of these demonstrations and is working with university trustees to make sure they remain peaceful list. >liz>and thanks so much. cal poly humboldt will close for the rest of the semester amid
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ongoing protests there. that means through may, 10th, which is when the semester ends. students will work remotely. the university is citing the demonstration and the continued occupation of 2 buildings for the closure. as part of the enforcement, police place concrete barriers to prevent vehicles from entering certain parts of campus. humboldt released a statement saying. in part the investments in the university's endowment does not include any direct investment in defense companies or any securities issued by israeli companies or organizations or 2 defense firms. i mean, the university of southern california has canceled its main commencement ceremony over what they call safety concerns brought on by the protests. there. this graduating class remember it's the same class that had their high school graduations canceled back in 2020. cnn spoke with l. a mayor karen bass about this latest decision. >i believe that that was a
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decision that they had to make they were expecting about 65,000 people on campus, and they just did not feel that it was going to be safe and the job of the president, just like my job as mayor. my number 1 job is to make sure that angelenos are safe, so the main graduation is canceled, but the individual schools have graduations as well. so there's a lot of ceremonies that will be taking place, but like you said. i share that also the idea that they missed their graduation 4 years ago, but hopefully there individual schools will go forward peacefully. >liz>we spoke with cal state east bay communications professor dr nolan hinged in about campus responses to these protests and other protests as the war continues. >i think college administrators are in a very difficult position, a lot of their rhetoric, you know, on campus champions things like free speech. freedom of expression. diversity of viewpoints. but we're starting to see a big division between their students and even some of their faculty and so
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administrators, i think are wrestling with keeping their their rhetoric and their actions. consistent with history is any indication. uh, protests against war and conflict they will continue to grow as long as the war goes on, and so if this work continues, i could see those bridge protests being, you know a very small demonstration as compared to to what is to come. it seems like young people are refusing to to budge on their position that they're opposed to what is being done in gaza, just like many us officials refused to budge on their position. and so we're not seeing a lot of compromise or signs that things are going to change anytime soon. >liz>protests a cost across college campuses in the u. s is also getting the attention from people displaced in gaza. even wrote messages with spray paint on their tents, thanking the students for their demonstrations meanwhile, president joe biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the weekend as the us continues to push for a
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ceasefire and the release of hostages. the president dispatched secretary of state antony blinken to the middle east to work with partners on a potential ceasefire. >we're addressing it working on it together. with partners throughout the region. hamas has before it a proposal that it is extraordinarily extraordinarily generous. on the part of israel. >liz>hamas leaders flew to egypt to discuss the latest proposal from israel and includes the group releasing as many as 33 hostages in exchange for a pause in hostilities in that region and hamas released more propaganda videos of hostages over the weekend. one of them included 64 year old keith siegel. he was taken from his home on october 7th. singles daughter is calling on netanyahu to do more to strike a deal and get the hostages returned still ahead, we're going to continue our conversation about the campus war protests with a closer look
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at what demonstrators are calling for, and a look back into history. at what moments like this have been able to accomplish.
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this afternoon. we are diving into the growing protest. at college. campuses of the country. right now demonstrators calling for a ceasefire and the release of hostages in gaza. they're also calling for universities to divest from israel and weapons manufacturers now the problem for public universities is that's potentially illegal under a law signed by governor jerry brown back in 2016. the bill prohibited discrimination in state contracts and specifically mentioned israel. the law also says state agencies can't use free speech as a justification to discriminate in contracts. we live now is political analyst marc sandalow. thank you so much for joining us today. >reporter>nice to be here. >liz>all right. what do you make of the issue that in many of these protests, some of the protests that that are at these universities? they're not actually students. what do you make of that? >reporter>you know, that's been true of every protest i've ever covered it. a problem and
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because this is such a nuanced issue to the extent you have students who for the their own tuition dollars are paying for these grounds, and they simply want to camp there and let their views be known. how do you complain about that? on the other hand, to the extent that there are outsiders, sometimes screaming anti, you know? anti semitic attacks a jewish students? you know that's completely entire horrible and that's been the issue with this entire story, including the situation in the middle east. it's so nuanced. that it's very hard to say the students are right. the students are wrong. israel's right israel's wrong you have to be able to grasp like shades of gray to be able to understand this. and of course, most people look at the world's black and white. >liz>alright, well, you're also a professor. so let's go back in history a little bit and talk about the 1968 convention in chicago and how this moment is very eerily familiar to that in that how law enforcement reacted to protesters at that convention impacted the election. yeah,
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>reporter>fortunately, it is not gotten that ... yet because there was blood on the streets of chicago during the 68 convention, hubert humphrey was the nominee. and you know hubert humphrey, you're looking at pictures here. the democrats are returning to chicago or their convention this time, but you know hubert humphrey was the nominee. he was a civil rights icon. a favorite of liberals, but because he supported the war in vietnam that he's liberal reputation completely. overshadowed. never mind that richard nixon his opponent was more of a war supporter more hawkish. these demonstrators are watching here were protesting the democrats, and that led a lot of people not to show up and vote for humphrey and he only lost by less than 1%. >liz>or let's talk about what the protesters are demanding. they obviously want a ceasefire, but they also want the schools that they are attending to divest investments in what they say are supporting the israeli military. have you seen in the past how these protests can actually be successful in terms of getting what they want?
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>reporter>yeah. maybe not directly but indirectly my time when i was in college, the big issue was divesting from south africa. eventually that work and if the divestment in workers truthfully, colleges are rich, some of them with huge endowments that doesn't mean that their money is going to change. but if you're necessarily but look, this brings lots and lots of public attention. and like those protests you just saw in chicago that continual heartbeat from americans youth that we're not going to stay. and for getting drafted anymore. lead to even richard nixon showing us troops out of vietnam. >liz>yes. so how do you think university leadership at these different schools has handled the protests? >reporter>yeah. it times. it's hard. i mean, there are no win situation. there's no question about that. but at times, it seems as if they've been heavy handed. the problem is always in dispersing a protest. protesters themselves for the most part, haven't been a problem and it's easy for me to
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see this. say this, you know, sitting in my office here in washington, d c. but if you have a student screaming anti semitic insults at jewish students that is completely unacceptable. that person ought to be grabbed that person and be thrown out that personal not be on campus at all but setting up tents, not necessarily much harm in that >liz>you're a college professor. what are your students saying about the conflict in gaza? is this going to change the way that they vote come november. >reporter>if the white house were to hear what my students tell me in class, they would be terrified because these are idealistic 2021 year olds. and they hate what's going on in gaza. they see binders, the bad guy. never mind the fact just like like in 68 with patricia nixon. donald trump is even more pro israel than biden. that's not the issue for many of them, and it doesn't matter in california. trump is going to win and trump is not going to win california but look if students at the university of michigan in ann arbor don't
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show up by won't win michigan if they don't show up in the university of wisconsin, he will lose those electoral votes. this certainly has the potential, even if it's not the number 1 issue after the economy and immigration in a close election. absolutely, this has the potential. oh, to cost biden reelection. >liz>political analyst marc sandalow. thank you so much. >reporter>thank you. >liz>what hasn't only been college campuses affected by anti war protests coming up? we look at the impact of demonstrations on our bridges and roads and the consequences.
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welcome back all half hour. we've been talking about the antiwar. protests happening. at college. campuses across the country and here in the bay area. these are the latest efforts from activists to bring attention to the plight of palestinians remember protesters shut down the bay bridge back in november. they were hoping to send a message to president biden, who was in town for the apec summit. 78 people were ordered to do community service and pay restitution to avoid jail time and then just 2 weeks ago product protestors based off against the highway patrol on the golden gate bridge traffic
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was shut down on both spans of the bridge for hours, and that same day in the east bay palestinian protesters blocked north 880 now at the time, governor newsom condemned the protests. >reporter>i don't think that's helpful. and i don't think that's responsible. i think there's better ways of protesting. so no, i hope we don't see it again. and i do think people need to be held to account for their actions. >liz>and check this out after shutting down freeways in the morning, protesters tore down a fence at tesla's fremont factory they were rallying against what they called corporate support for actions against gaza. now. about a month earlier from that demonstrators held a protest at the airport, taking over a section of sfo. they blocked the road in front of the international terminal and blocked a security checkpoint. we'll be right back. >reporter>yeah. a pilot for the california army national guard. i find blackhawks here in the state. there is nothing that
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jessica burch can't do dedicated. she's super fun. jessica is remarkable. i like the idea of being able to serve the northern california people out doing search and rescues helping out with cal fire missions. and i also feel like i have a heart for service. also when it comes to forecasting for our local area, i mean getting people prepared for their day. that's a huge importance for me - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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♪ ♪ >> breaking news, multiple officers shot and charlotte. >> two down, subjects barricading themselves. >> tonight new information coming in after three members of law enforcement are killed while serving a warrant. the cbs evening news


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