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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin, america's tom diplomat urges from us to accept a ceasefire deal from israel. i think lincoln saying the offer is generous and the time is running out on a possible breakthrough is back in the middle east as both israel and homos signal, their interest and a truce. also coming up that of nato acknowledges the west has been too slow delivering weapons to ukraine in stone, berks, as russia has used the delays as an opportunity to advance on the battlefield. he insist that it's not too late for you. crane to win the war. and 10 your struggles with flash flooding and land slides toward claims thousands of lives further down
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the range. the hello and welcome to our show. i'm so you can go to the in berlin. we begin with hopes for a truce and gaza. us secretary of state is in the middle east urging him off to accept what he calls an extraordinarily generous offer. mazda leadership has sent a delegation to cairo. meanwhile, seeking assurance. is that an eventful release of all hostages will bring a complete end to israel's nearly 7 month of salt and gauze of to arrow been western foreign ministers are meeting and saudi arabia with the war and gaza on their minds. this is the us secretary of state's 7 visit to the middle east since the october 7th attacks. and he's urging him us to accept this deal. also that a 40 day cease fire and the release of palestinians in prison by israel,
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and exchange for more than 30 is really hostages, held by him on a moss, has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of his room. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is on us. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly. conditions in gaza have worse than overnight. 3 separate is really attacks killed 22 people in rasa. heating 3 houses, including that of the abu time high family. they're small child, died in the attack. the gun was then we were sitting in the homes, and then the house was gone. and we didn't know anything. everyone was sleeping in their bed. the displays, those wouldn't on displays to come on in the most of these models with displays. and in addition to the family living here, that members of the family and the displays book here. and they have nothing to do
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with anything. all of them are goals and women. elizabeth, i'll get to looking for israel still plans to invade rasa, to route out what officials say, or how mos militants hiding in the city. the news these fire on the table is only an extended pause. israel has said once it's over, it will resume its assault on gaza, potentially worsening the scale of a humanitarian crisis. nearing its 7th month we spoke with cairo journalist kareem. i will go hurry and ask why diplomats are speaking so optimistically about a possible deal as well. i think one word pressure pressure on old sites. i mean how much is under pressure to avoid any kind of military offensive in the off? these are easy government is the international of the initial pressure, not at least for the most important i like as the u. s. to agree to a cease fire and to put the i'll follow offensive at least until the back burner. i
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think it also, we have a case where the was present, joe biden himself is on the precious with the protest in the us any versus and is heading down the pressure now onto and it's on you all in addition to that, that's and you always from the pressure at home because people see that there's a failure that he didn't bring back the hostages in the last 6 months. all that a created a movement in this negotiations receipt. if it was the to, to the conclusion or of this, talk the talk specially before the awful offensive. because if this offensive happens, of course, all the deck of cards will be read shuffled again. journalist cream, i'll go read there over to the war and ukraine. now, you installed and birds sing, nato has failed to deliver weapons to the country in good time. let's don't. bird made the remarks during an unannounced visit to keith on monday. it goes, secretary general says russia has exploded ukraine's battlefield advantage. but he insisted that it's not too late for teeth to win the war. just now. it is the 3rd
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year floods lensky for his part verge, washington, speed up. it's what it's west and east deliveries. here's some of what stilton burke had to say after the meeting. a lot of houses, most of the, from united states spend most of the green your package for your brain. and you'd have to have the eyes of the notes in the event of the amount of i'm addition, they promised on this on how to see this consequences on the bunch of things like obama nation costs enabled the russians to push forward around the phone. fine, like of a defense house made it possible for more russian besides to get the targets and the over the started to get this house. i made it so those old for the russians to concentrate more forces and we see the consequences of that. now, here's our chief correspondent,
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nick connelly's with more on the nato cheats marx also had his host fully mister lensky. not trying to kind of stuff from the blow and say, you know, it's all going to be fine. in the end. he was actually saying, i'm not seeing much of a change even off to joe biden, st signed off on this a package. it's all arriving yet. even though we were led to believe that was something that was in the press of lots, lots of sources from the us saying that lots of descript them was ready and about to be dispatched from poland and germany. he was saying, we don't see it on the front lines quite yet. so it definitely was unimportant me, you great perspective consultation from the nature of general 6th street. and i think is a real sense here that your these get to move on. the russian side is trying to take advantage of this gap for this help arrives. we're seeing extreme pressure on the same positions in the east and when you told so kind of experts here, they say, if it does arrive as promise, it will be enough to keep the russians back for this year to stabilize situation. provide the to prevent the front from being broken and collapsing,
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but it would allow ukraine to really go back in to offensive and reject territory. they say they are convinced that the west needs to help with the trust you and have a long, long game plan. and a roadmap, not just react to things as they come up or keep corresponding economy there, rushes war and ukraine is well into its 3rd year. our next report looks at the ukranian soldier who was wounded and captured by pro russian forces and then traded in a prisoner exchange, is now learning to live a full life despite severe challenges. every step is a fight for a vicious love, but he's proud he can stand up by himself now. a small triumph that seemed a far off dream until recently. i couldn't walk without my hands, but my knee would work. he lost both his hands and legs after being severely wounded on the battlefield and neglected in russian captivity. before the war issues left work as a mechanic and a driver,
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he volunteered for the army in march 2022. he fought for almost a year in house on him and their f dba until he almost lost his life in january last year in a russian assault. which tv shows you that oh, to this been able to get to get it machines. i tried to retreat. i thought i'd make kids and one of them and that was shot. so i was hit. i screamed and passed out. they thought they'd finished me off. when i came to i no longer had my gun. i got shot through here. and one leg was shot. i got hit head to so that's why the laces along the him like this until it shot to the bone. yeah, i lost the muscles for a while. the cost of blue and we're still on the 1st $7.00 days of vicious love crawled on what was left of his legs trying to get out as a conflict. so it was then captured by militants from the rush or back to the don't . yet the people's republic issues love says he was mentally and physically abused
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in captivity. i didn't know there's no problem. at 1st. they put a poker into an oven. defeated up, they wanted to torture me. they drank me on this chair to a door and then they beat me. you know, i got bruises everywhere, but notice swelled up later was gerald calling blah, blah. i know if you're still with me, it's on most of us glasses. i couldn't stand it like you just gave in. after that he said he's done. put him in the grades. can you read it a little bit? okay. all right, side of the why do? why have you just love spend 3 months in captivity in chechnya is frostbitten, hands and injured legs had to be amputated after gangrene set in who was exchanged on june 11th, 2023. currently adventurous love is undergoing rehabilitation. he's been fitted for prost pcs. you can walk on a treadmill, does puzzles, and does re learning to swim at the more effective and i'm afraid of every step
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when i walk because crutches are not reliable with the will current spec to today, i had trouble, but i managed to hold on it so it was a bit scary on crutches. before adventures, love dreamed of opening his own garage and repairing motorcycles. now he says he's thinking of what his next steps will be. let's have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the officials and ukraine say russian missile strikes have killed at least 4 people, and wounded 28 others in the southern port city of odessa, regional governor there such a 1000000000 areas were badly damaged, including some residential buildings in germany. 9 people, so separate suspected of being part of a far right plot to overthrow the government have gone on trial. prosecutor said the ring leader is a businessman and aristocrats hold hundreds prints, voice, electric conspirators face charges of terrorism,
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and high treason. the group of 7 or g 7 industrialized nations has agreed to phase out coal power plants by 2035. the pledge made of the meeting and through in italy comes after report revealed that g 7 nations are falling behind their emission reductions targets. the groups, climate, energy, and environment ministers hoped to issue a final declaration on tuesday. at least 45 people are dead and dozens more are missing. after flash floods in south western kenya, raging waters swept away homes and cars at a time with large parts of the country have already been inundated by weeks of heavy rates. people try to salvage what they can as the search for survivors continues in kenya's rift valley. the flash flood and, and suing landslide, submerged roads and homes. authorities warren,
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the death toll is likely to rise. the powerful flood uprooted many trees as the water spilled down stream dropping vehicles and blocking major roadways. local residents are joining the can you read cross society with search and rescue efforts? a new ranges. many people have died quite often and we have saved around a 1000 people this morning and they want to come, i mean, not there are more victims, but we don't know if the data that's being taken to hospital when they don't be tardy. the disaster struck in the dead of night. those recovering at the local hospital recount harrowing stories about the water carrying away loved ones into the night almost done. i'm making them my youngest daughter, so was holding onto my back while we were in the water. and she was begging me not to leave to come when i reassured her and told her to hold onto the nearby flushing
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debris. well, i know, fortunately she's gone now that was done. my eldest tourism hospital gave me all the rest of the children. the disaster took place in the town of my mile some 60 kilometers north west of the capitol, nairobi police initially blamed the flooding on a burst of them. it's now believed a debris. clogged gully may have been the source of the tragedy. flash floods and heavy rains of displaced thousands of canyons and recent weeks the government says health is on the way. we are having a company that committee to be able to discuss for additional mission that my government is going to take to make sure that citizens who uh victims, full time of change to today, somebody in floods the supporting must lights out of looked up to an
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investigation has been launched to determine the cause of this latest flashlight. and finally, a giant penzel cop in russia is embarking on an exciting new stage of life. 8 month old patricia has moved into a custom built outside enclosure for the 1st time. last august, she became the 1st pan to, to be born in russia, 4 years after her parents, ding ding and ru, you were get to the country by china. the 1st time patricia has had a chance to explore her wider surroundings and safety. as you can see, the whole thing is prevent rather exhausting. this is a reminder of our top stores. the secretary of state antony blinking has of the us hopes come us will accept a quote. extraordinarily generous, cease fire offer linking is on a, towards the middle east to broker a truce agreement between israel and from us. that's all we have
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time for at this hour. you can find out more online at www dot com. so you can use implants, the do big old, some of your companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cars awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal leather stats may said on dw, like buying new clothes, don't worry, you're not alone. and shopping. never been easier.


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